Wont my cat get bored if I keep it indoors? Heres how to ensure its happy

and American Veterinary Associations The Australian recommend keeping cats indoors because they and wildlife are safer.

However, a boring indoor environment may not satisfy your cat’s need for mental stimulation. So how can we keep cats indoors in a way that will keep them safe and happy?

Khi xem xét phúc lợi động vật, Mô hình Năm miền là một nơi tốt để bắt đầu. Năm tên miền là:

  1. Dinh dưỡng – Mèo cần đúng loại và lượng thức ăn và nước uống

  2. môi trường vật lý, bao gồm nhiệt độ, sàn, tiếng ồn, ánh sáng

  3. Sức khỏe – thương tích, bệnh tật, suy yếu

  4. Tương tác hành vi với con người và các động vật khác, bao gồm khả năng thực hiện quyền tự quyết – chọn tham gia hoặc không, vào một hoạt động cụ thể tại một thời điểm nhất định

  5. trạng thái tinh thần, bao gồm những cảm giác như đói, đau, sợ hãi và thoải mái, là một đánh giá tổng thể về trạng thái phúc lợi chủ quan của động vật.

Giữ một con mèo trong nhà từ chối nó lựa chọn ở bên trong hay bên ngoài. Ý thức kiểm soát một con vật đối với cuộc sống của nó là một khía cạnh quan trọng của phúc lợi của nó, vậy làm thế nào chúng ta có thể bù đắp cho sự mất quyền tự quyết này?

Một số cách để giúp đáp ứng nhu cầu của mèo của bạn có sẵn ở các mức giá khác nhau. Hầu hết giúp đáp ứng nhu cầu hành vi của mèo. Một số cũng đề cập đến các nhu cầu khác như môi trường hoặc dinh dưỡng. Tất cả sẽ góp phần vào sức khỏe của chú mèo của bạn.

Read more: Herding cats: councils’ efforts to protect wildlife from roaming pets are hampered by state laws

Free solutions

If you’re feeling the pinch of the cost-of-living crisis, you can still provide your cat with plenty of enrichment for free, or at very low cost. There are multiple options.

Cat music has some scientific evidence behind it and is available on YouTube. This will help meet their environmental needs.

Puzzle feeders, which you can buy or make yourself. Cats are predators, so they are biologically wired to work for their food. Puzzle feeders can be a good way to help meet this biological need.

These feeders don’t have to be expensive. One homemade example is an egg carton with the cat’s food inside and the lid closed, so the cat must find a way to open the carton to obtain the food.

Start with a simple puzzle, and gradually build to more complex puzzles. Only do puzzle feeding if your cat is a good eater and not underweight, though. This will help meet their nutritional and behavioural needs.

Boxes, which cats love to sit in. This hiding behaviour appears to reduce stress Cats will even sit in boxes that don’t technically exist – such as outlines on a floor. This will help meet their behavioural needs.

Clicker training uses a small noise-making device to indicate that the animal has performed a desired behaviour. While more commonly known for dogs, it can also be used in cats.

Read more: Why you should train your cat – and how to do it

“Do as I do” training is another option. In this training style, the cat learns to mimic your behaviour, but in a species-appropriate way. For instance, if you stood on your tiptoes and raised your arms, your cat would stand on its hind legs and lift the front paws. This will be good for their behavioural needs.

Playing with a pet cat for at least five minutes at a time has been associated with reduced behaviour problems, so play with them to help meet their needs.

New objects/scents will help meet their environmental needs. Cats enjoy novelty as long as there is also plenty of predictability in their environment. Regularly bringing new things or scents like catnip into your home may be interesting for your cat.

For more ideas about enriching your cat’s life indoors, check out this website.

Read more: Are catnip and treats like it safe for cats? Here’s how they affect their minds and moods

Moderate outlay

If you’re tightening your belt but still have a little to invest in cat enrichment, there are lots of choices within the $10–$50 range to help meet the cat’s behavioural needs.

Harness walks (perhaps after some patient training) let your cat spend time outdoors in a safe way and get exercise.

Using a harness is a way to safely walk your cat outdoors. Natasha Zakharova/Shutterstock

Toys that move erratically are preferable to static toys. These can be toys that you move yourself such as a toy mouse that you move around on the floor. The movement may appeal to the cat’s predatory nature.

Puzzle feeders can be made very cheaply (see above), but you can buy one too. It can provide interesting variety for cats, especially after they’ve had some puzzle experience. Again, only do this with cats who are good eaters and are not underweight.

A scratching post should ideally be vertical or inclined, which are generally preferable to horizontal surfaces. Chenille, rope or cardboard appear to be the preferred materials.

Read more: Why does my cat pee on the rug? Are they trying to tell me something?

Bougie options

If money is no object, you could consider these pricier options. Both help meet their environmental needs.

Cat shelves make use of vertical space so don’t take up a lot of floor space. They provide cats with elevated places to sit, which they like .

Cats like to survey their surroundings from on high. Boyloso/Shutterstock

Cat enclosures , or “catios”, are enclosed, outdoor spaces where cats can safely spend time outside. They may increase cats’ quality of life .

Remember, every cat is an individual. What works for some cats may not work for yours. Try preference testing – which require the cat to choose between different options or environments – to figure out your own cat’s favourite things.

This article is republished from The Conversation is the world’s leading publisher of research-based news and analysis. A unique collaboration between academics and journalists. It was written by: Tiffani J. Howell , La Trobe University .

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Tiffani J. Howell does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.