Man’s son was tragically killed by his mother’s dog so he tried to kill HER

A woman mauled to death by her dog later taunted her own son at his funeral – and he took revenge by trying to kill her.

Korbin Sprott was killed by his grandmother’s German shepherd when the dog attacked him in her backyard in Mackay, Queensland, in 2013.

Korbin’s father, James Sprott, 30, begged mother Sonia Strachan to put the dog down after it bit the child a year earlier.

Bà Strachan đã chế nhạo con trai mình trong đám tang của Korbin, và vì vậy anh ta đã trả đũa bằng cách đến nhà cô, dùng chai bia đập vào mặt cô trước khi cố gắng bẻ cổ và giết cô, một bản án được đưa ra hôm thứ Sáu tiết lộ.

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Korbin Sprott (ảnh chụp cùng cha James) đã bị con chó chăn cừu Đức của bà ngoại giết chết khi con chó này tấn công anh ở sân sau của bà ở Mackay, Queensland vào năm 2013

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Cha của Korbin, James Sprott, đã cầu xin mẹ Sonia Strachan thả con chó xuống sau khi nó cắn đứa trẻ một năm trước đó. 

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Sonia Strachan’s German Shepherd grabbed her grandson by the neck in the front yard of her Mackay, North Queensland, home in 2013 (stock photo)

James Sprott had lived with his mother after his marriage ended but their relationship soured when he asked her to have her dog euthanised.

He pleaded with his ex-wife not to leave his son in the care of his mother and her dog, but she ignored him.

The dog killed Korbin in 2013, but Sprott was not told of his son’s death until some time later when a relative living in the United Kingdom called him.

At Korbin’s funeral, Ms Strachan and her boyfriend Mark Gallagher sat behind Sprott and taunted him.

‘I’m going to sit here, you c**ts,’ she said, before calling her son a ‘dog’ and a ‘useless c**t’, according to the judgment.

On April 11, 2017, about four years after his son’s death, Sprott went to his mother’s house while holding two beer bottles.

He smashed one of the bottles into his mother’s face before grabbing her head from behind in an attempt to break her neck. 

Sprott then punched Mr Gallagher in the face and stomped on his head. 

He turned back to Ms Strachan and threw her on the floor, then into a TV cabinet, then picked up a pot plant and slammed it onto her face as she tried to crawl away on her back.

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At Korbin’s (pictured) funeral, Ms Strachan and her boyfriend Mark Gallagher sat behind Sprott and taunted him 

A neighbour, Mitchell Thompson, heard the attack and raced over to see Sprott punching his mother hard in the face about five times.

‘Help me, he’s going to kill me,’ she cried, according to the judgment.

Thompson punched Sprott in the face, knocking him out. 

Sprott later told police he wanted to kill his mother and Mr Gallagher. 

Sprott pleaded guilty to two counts of attempted murder and was originally sentenced to two concurrent sentences of nine-and-a-half years.

Queensland Attorney-General Yvette D’Ath appealed Sprott’s sentence, saying it was inadequate, but the Queensland Court of Appeal disagreed.

The judge in the original case was found to have been justified in giving Sprott a lenient sentence due to the poor treatment he received from his mother while growing up. 

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The dog killed Korbin in 2013, but Sprott was not told of son’s death until some time later when a relative living in the United Kingdom called him 

‘In particular, the respondent’s state of health was caused in part by his mother’s lifelong neglect of him, and was greatly contributed to by both of his victims’ irresponsibility that had led to the little boy’s death, and by their almost incredible callousness afterwards,’ the judgment said.

‘Although the sentences are outside the general scope, the facts of this case are also outside the ordinary cases.’

Sprott’s appeal to extend his prison term was rejected and he will be released in 2026.