Những chú chó con đi lạc tìm kiếm sự giúp đỡ chỉ còn vài giây nữa là băng qua con đường đông đúc
Ai đó đã bước vào để cứu họ đúng lúc ❤️
Rúc vào nhau trên lề đường gần một con đường đông đúc ở Palmdale, California, hai anh chị em chó con nhìn chằm chằm vào dòng xe cộ chạy qua, có lẽ hy vọng ai đó có thể nhìn thấy chúng và giúp một tay.

Cuối cùng, những chú chó con đã cố gắng băng qua đường, và đó là khi một người phụ nữ phát hiện ra chúng và vội vã chạy đến. Cô nhanh chóng liên lạc với MaeDay Rescue, và ngay sau đó sự giúp đỡ đang trên đường.

The hungry puppies happily complied with their rescuers. In no time, they were piled in the back seat of a car, ready to head somewhere safe so they could recover.
“Both pups were submissive, so they laid down, which made it easy to pick them up,” a representative from the rescue told The Dodo. “You could tell they were scared and knew they’d be safe in the car.”

The rescuers posted a video of the dogs’ story here:
Finally out of harm’s way, the puppies, later named Kona and Oscar, were able to truly relax. Their personalities began to shine.
“Kona was a bit calmer and gave tiny kisses,” the rescue representative said. “While [Oscar] was a goofy, active boy who loved to get into anything he could. Both very sweet and smart!”
Both pups quickly recovered from their ordeal. Their charming, playful personalities made them great candidates for so many families. Now they just had to find the right ones. Kona was first to find her perfect fit.
“This gorgeous gal … will never be discarded again,” the rescue wrote in a post. “Her new family is obsessed with her and is already surrounding her with so much love!”
Not long after, Oscar found a family of his own.
“[Oscar] loves his new family [and] is obsessed with his big brother!” the rescue wrote in a post. “This is truly the perfect home for him [and] we are honored that we got to be part of his journey to a happy ending!”
Though their story began in a dark place, it’s clear that these siblings will never have to worry about making it on their own ever again.
To support other dogs like Kona and Oscar, make a donation to MaeDay Rescue here.
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