Cừu 10 tuổi được giải cứu không thể tin rằng cuối cùng cô cũng có đàn cừu của riêng mình
Cô kêu lên với họ khi họ chạy về phía cô 😭
Nicole là một con cừu 10 tuổi đến từ một trang trại, nơi cô được nhân giống nhiều lần, nhưng đáng buồn là không ai trong số những đứa con của cô sống sót. Những người nông dân vẫn tiếp tục cố gắng, cho đến khi họ quyết định rằng họ đã có đủ và muốn loại bỏ cô ấy. May mắn thay, Woodstock Farm Sanctuary đã phát hiện ra hoàn cảnh của cô và bước vào để giải cứu cô.

Các nhân viên cứu hộ của Nicole biết cô có thể có một số vấn đề sức khỏe tiềm ẩn và ngay lập tức làm cho cô thoải mái nhất có thể trong khi họ hẹn gặp bác sĩ thú y. Họ vẫn đang chờ kết quả xét nghiệm của cô và tuyên bố sẽ làm mọi thứ có thể để giúp cô khỏe mạnh, bất kể chuyện gì đang xảy ra.

Nicole had to spend some time in quarantine before she was able to meet the rest of the rescue sheep at the sanctuary, and she cried out the entire time. She was lonely, confused and eager to meet her new herd. When the day finally came, it was absolutely worth the wait.
Once Nicole’s rescuers released her into the field, she dashed forward and then stood staring at her herd in the distance. She was so excited to see them — and as soon as they spotted her, the feeling was very mutual.
“Toni, the shortest sheep, led everyone else to come see who the new sheep was,” Riki Higgins, the social media coordinator at Woodstock Farm Sanctuary, told The Dodo. “They are used to introductions of new rescues every now and then. They were all excited and very interested to sniff and get to know her.”
Nicole stayed right where she was and let her new friends come to her, and everyone could tell how much more relaxed she was as soon as they were surrounding her.

“She called out, as she had been doing while in isolation, and let them come to here and sniff her,” Higgins said. “She was quieter immediately, and you could tell she was much more comfortable.”

Now, sweet Nicole is doing so well. She’s finally able to relax and live her life, and she loves her new herd just as much as they love her.
“She’s doing wonderful,” Higgins said. “She’s very comfortable in the sheep barn with her new family, she is not calling out nonstop like she was while she was alone in quarantine and she is getting used to the routine.”
You can help other sheep like Nicole by donating to Woodstock Farm Sanctuary.